"I've got troubled thoughts, and the self esteem to match."
What a catch....
What a catch....
I love that song. (what a catch, donnie-fall out boy). For some reason it makes me want to cry. Its so sad, but I love it. It makes me want to cry, but oddly enough, when I listen to the song it makes me happy as well. Such mixed emotions for a song. I'm weird like that. I cry over books and songs, movies not so much. Hahaha, I think thats why I connect with the song so well. I'm obviously troubled. Now all I need is find a book full of psychological illnesses and diagnose myself. That would definitely give me something to do. Lord knows I need something to preoccupy my constantly buzzing mind from going places I don't want to go. All well, thats life apparently. I really need to get over things and learn how to deal. I wonder if colleges offer a class or if there is a book. Almost like the books, "What to Expect When You're Expecting". There needs to be a book called, "What to Expect Out of Life and How to Get Over Yourself and Deal with It". Or something. I'm sure there is a book out there related to that. I'm almost positive. I just haven't found it yet.
Well, bouncing away from my foolish teenage problems... I did extremely well on my CAHSEE, if I do say so myself. For that I am completely thrilled. Seriously. It's been the highlight of my week. Sure, that might seem a little sad...but worth a little celebration, yes. It's nice when something like this happens in my life. It's like a temporary euphoria. Hahaha. Yeah, I know. It's pathetic. But it's nice, unlike eel.
Sounds squishy doesn't it? Eel? Yeah it does. It really truly does. I was looking up pictures of eels the other day, just to see. And I got freaked out a little bit. IT LOOKS SQUISHY!! I'm afraid I'll bite into it and all the sudden I get this unpleasant gooey/squishy-ness. Like a cream puff. I don't like cream puffs. And anyways, have you seen an eels eyes?? It's so creepy! I so will not be able to get the image of this one eel out of my head. I swear, one of these nights I am going to have a bad dream about this eel. I think it needs a name this eel. Herman. The eels name is Herman. Anyways, here's the story about Herman:
So it was right after one of my friends told me they were going to basically force me to try eel. (Now, remember, I really don't like trying new foods due to the fact that I have horrible gag reflexes that act up from time to time.) Just thinking about eating an eel is setting off my gag reflex. Yeah, it's not fun. Well, being the person I am, I agreed. So, naturally, I researched pictures of eels b
ecause i was curious. I got pictures of the animated eels from The Little Mermaid (Disney version) and I got actual pictures of eels. And I found a particularly freaky eel. Yes, I found Herman. --------------------------------------------------->

That is Herman. For some reason he freaks me out! Look at his eye!! It's creepy. And my friend wants me to eat something as creepy as this???I don't think so!!! I'm sorry, but whenever I think of eel now, I see Herman. So sorry my dear friend, but there is no way I am eating eel now. What if I eat a member of Herman's family?? Herman is going to want revenge. He already looks crazy. Why put myself through that? I don't want to go swimming this summer and get attacked by him. That would not be fun. I'm not joking, I'm serious. (BTW, do you see how squishy he looks?) I'm not trying eel. End of story. I'm sorry. (This might also be a good time to tell you I don't like Transformers either.)
Anyways, I feel like it's been forever since I last blogged about something. I feel so much better now. Better than I have felt in days. I need to write more...........