Honestly, I can't take it anymore. It's ridiculous. I swear my friends think I'm bipolar. I can't help it though! For example, this morning I couldn't have been any happier and somehow by lunch that little bit of joy had evaporated. By then, I was just not in the mood. After school, I was about ready to bite someones head off. Now that I'm home, however, I feel perfectly content. It's horrible. I feel so bad. I was nice to Mitchell though! That's something new. We always usually find something to argue about. It's not like serious arguing, it is all just for fun. We usually end up laughing about it. Haha, it's ALMOST like we're an old married couple. Not today though. We got along just fine. I dunno. Something has got to be wrong with me or maybe it's just hormones. Whatever the case may be, I shall find some way to be happy tomorrow. I'll make it my goal for the day. Although, fourth period might kill any chance of sunshine in my life. Haha.
So my latest book is about a girl who is currently suffering from anorexia. It's called "Second Star to the Right". So far it is a good book. You hear from this 14 year old girl who is obsessed with losing weight she doesn't need to. It's sad and slightly frightening. She has no idea she is sick and neither does anyone around her. All you read for a good part of the book is that she needs to lose more weight. 105 is perfect...no 99...she said that she would do whatever it takes to feel perfect. To feel thin. She's only 14. It's very sad that she thinks she's fat. She won't allow herself to eat anything.This isn't a scary book, just sad. I wish her parents would realize already that her "diet" is not a diet. It's starvation, but it's just a book. I tend to overreact to this stuff. I can't help that either.
Anyway, my actual diet I've tried to start...that isn't going too well. I could use a little more discipline, but when presented with the chance to have a Jr. Bacon Cheeseburger from Jack in the Box, you are right in thinking that I'm going to take it. It's going to be very difficult to drop 5 pounds. I will succeed though! Especially with summer coming up. My goal is 115 and to keep it in that area. So technically I have to lose ten lbs to reach it, but I figured I would start out w
ith a reasonable number. One I can actually achieve and one that would make me feel healthier.

So now, I'm off to go do a nice little work out that won't last long! =D Haha, I say a good hour or a little less.
(By the way, this has nothing to do with the book I'm reading. I've been meaning to do this since February. I know my limits and I like food way to much to EVER give it up. Especially french fries..)
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