
Needles....are a Scary thing

Well, tonight I tried to sew. And it went alright. Everyone else got the hang of it, but me...ehhh.. not so much. I have no idea why, but when you are actually sitting in the chair ready to begin sewing together pieces of fabric, it actually becomes scary. Hahaha. Yes I know I am a dork. But I am totally serious. Its frightening. Thank goodness sis. Southwell was there to help. I totally would have like frozen. But other than that I had a lot of fun. The rest of the girls did an amazing job. Sewing is such a good thing to learn. Just in case.

Today was pretty nice. It rained. Which was lovely. But today I felt even more sick. It sucked. I am soooo grateful for Dayquil. Definitely a lifesaver when you are up as early as me...Oh! Well, he completely ignored me again this morning. And then tonight he was nice and actually said hello? His mood swings are giving me whiplash. HAHAHA. his excuse? he didn't want to bother me cause i was sick. i need someones opinion. Sweet? or Not? or Am I Just Being A Totally Weird About This Whole Thing And Need To Relax And Let It Go? Hopefully i can get some friends to actually tell me their opinion. =]

For now, I am completely wiped and am sooo ready for bed.

1 comment:

  1. wow! I know you told me about this a week ago...I should have gotten on sooner! but, here I am, and here you are...BLOGGING! yea!!!
    I love to read your thoughts, I hope you don't mind!
    And...your p.j.s are fabulous!
