
How I Could Kill A Man (Charlotte Sometimes)

I like that song. It's pretty funny. Anyway, there is only one word that can sum up this last month or two or whatever. I forgot the last time I wrote......oh! *ahem* back to the ONE word:


I am totally serious. I have had an on-going headache. And it sucks. Worst of all I am on Summer Vacation and I STILL have a headache. Maybe I should consult a doctor? I'm thinking maybe so.

Anyway, forgetting the headache (easier said/typed than done), I am desperate to escape from here. Like super desperate. At least I don't have school on Monday, but it would be an awesome outlet. I can just see Sammy and I walking around the Quad area talking about how sucky or great our weekends were. What our crushes said when they called/texted/messaged over myspace or facebook, then laughing about how dumb we're being. Unfortunately I no longer have that comfort. Instead I'm now being forced to be at home dealing with annoying as "heck" sisters and a "bipolar" father. IM SUPER EXCITED! <--sarcasm. I need something to preoccupy my mornings until my mother gets home. Then I can sit in my room and have no one bother me. I just wish I had a decent book to read, but I have read everything in my closet a gazillion times. I know every plot and there is hardley any surprise left in those books. I need to go book shopping. Not that it would matter much anyway, they would still find someway to drag me away from the familiar safety of wonderfully written pages and loveable characters. What I wouldn't give to live in one of those books! Their lives would be amazing to live, they worlds amazing to live in. Being in the places I dream about, but no. Yosemite is the closest thing I can get to a retreat. And I hope that I can talk my grandparents into taking me back up there for longer that a few days. I wouldn't have work to worry about and I could really relax. No sisters. No parents. No cell phone reception. No nothing. Just me and some trees. Maybe a sketch book and my camera. No worries...just perfect. I can only dream. I don't know. I really really want to go now.

Until then...I dunno what I'm going to do. Well actually, right now I'm going to go get something to drink cause I am super thirsty.

I really need to go to Target before Tuesday so I can get my hair dye. Thats right everyone!! I am dying my hair once more. Just the top part cause I am so sick and tired of the blonde/orange crap in my hair. Seriously, so I'm dying the top part a nice shade of black. Black doesnt fade fast and it would look really nice with my dark brown hair. Well, uh, hopefully

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