
Is That A Fish?!?

I'm pretty sure that it was a fish. It definitely looked like one, even if Diana doesn't believe me. Anyway, I finally did it!!!

You: What exactly did you do?

Me: Well, I'll tell you. I died the top part of my hair black!!

You: O.O

Me: Stop being so skeptical. It's all good.

No, really it is. Well, I like it anyway. It looks good...when straight. I haven't tried anything else with it yet. I'm not going Emo or Goth. I just kinda always wanted to try it. SO I did. And I like it. My face looks thinner. I look slightly older and I'm happy. I'm not going over to the "Dark Side". I'm just expressing myself through my hair. AGAIN THIS DOES NOT MEAN I AM GOING OVER TO THE DARK SIDE. It just means that my hair now makes me happy. There is no more blonde either!! Not that I have anything against blondes, I am just sick of having it in my hair. NO matter what color I use, it always goes back to blonde. Not this time. Its all gone. And it looks really good. Anyway, enough about that. On to more important subjects...


Yes, it's my mommy's birthday. She is once again 29. Hahaha. Although, my mom doesn't want to celebrate it. WHATEVER! She is still getting a card.

Today also happens to be my cousin's graduation! But more about all this later!

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