
Dear Diary, whats wrong with me??....

Ah yes, a Dear Diary moment.

I woke up this morning realizing I made a huge mistake. Don't ask what it is, because I won't tell you. I'm sorry...wait, I just lied. I'm not sorry. Frankly, it is none of your business. Just know that I am working on fixing it at this very moment. Yes, while writing this lovely blog for some to read I am also formulating a plan. One that will be extremely successful, if I can manage to let the words out anyways. All, well... On to other things.

Oh my! Look at the date! February 14th... It's.....


I don't mean to offend anyone, but this is the stupidest holiday. Seriously. It's a greeting card holiday. A way for those people to make money!! Do you know how much money florists, greeting card companies, grocery stores, etc.. make on this day? I don't know the exact amount, but if you really think about it...the numbers begin to add up. This isn't something I'm being bitter about because I have no one to spend it with, this is actually something that is 200% S-T-U-P-I-D. And if you truly loved someone, you should show it everyday. Not just one particular day. And if you do celebrate v-day, then don't send flowers. Why? Because flowers die! Oh my gosh! How can you not see that?? You might as well write on the card:

' Dear _________,
I love you with all my heart. You mean the world to me. Our love is like these flowers I selected. It's a symbol of how our love blossoms and its beautiful......Then, watch how over the course of time, they shrivel up slowly and eventually die. And we will end up throwing them out because they look horrible and smell weird. Happy Valentines Day! I hope you enjoy the symbol of our love!'

Ummmmm, yeah. If you do want to get her flowers, get the fake ones that will last a few lifetimes. Okay? Because, seriously you may not have realized in the past what sending flowers meant, but now you do. And it's okay. It's not your fault. You didn't read too much into it. You wanted to do something romantic. And that's fine. The next time you buy flowers, think of the sample letter above and realize what you are actually truly saying. Then, go buy your significant other a puppy or kitten. Or chocolate. You can never go wrong with chocolate.

So now you know, and for those of you who still love this stupid holiday...
Go and get your love something sweet and from the heart.


1 comment:

  1. Lauren, I hope you had a great Valentines day! just kidding. I liked reading your post about this crazy day. it really is blown up bigger than needed...all for $$$$.

    (it was fun to get flowers though, I must admit).

    I hope you are doing ok. I have really missed you since you've been gone. I can't wait to see you again and catch up on how things are going. I'm so sorry about your G. Grandma. it's so hard to lose someone, and I'm glad to see you write about it. YOu know what a journaling advocate I am...it's therapeutic huh?

    talk to you soon!
